Kanarese in New Zealand

Many states in India have their own language and Karnataka is no exception. The Kanarese are Kannada speakers who blend in well with other South Asians who have migrated to New Zealand. With the exception of those who speak Bengali or Gujarati, South Asians tend to come together as one group. However, Kannada speakers did establish their own association in 1994. This New Zealand Kannada organization is intended to preserve the language, culture and religion of Karnataka for those who have migrated to New Zealand.

Ministry Obstacles
The South Asians in New Zealand are seeking abundant life from sources that cannot offer it. Only Jesus Christ offers abundant life.

Scripture Focus
"And he asked them, But who do you say that I am? Peter answered him, You are the Christ."  Mark 8:29

Scripture Prayer
Pray that this people would believe and proclaim, like Peter, that Jesus Christ is their Savior and Lord.

Prayer Focus
Pray that those who follow Christ among the South Asians in New Zealand would honor the Lord and draw others to him through their words and actions. Pray for spiritual hunger to come to the Kanarese and other Hindu South Asian people groups in New Zealand. Pray for believers to lovingly reach out to the Kanarese in New Zealand. Pray for reproducing disciples among them.

Presented by Joshua Project