Bahna (Muslim traditions) in Pakistan

The Bahna trace their roots to Persia and modern-day Afghanistan. Though they used to process cotton, the advancement of technology has led them to abandon that work in favor of agriculture, manufacturing and trade. Originally, the Bahna were entirely Hindu, but some of them converted to Islam during the Delhi Sultanate. Many Muslim Bahna left India and relocated to Pakistan, mainly in the Sindh Province. While the boys are able to pursue schooling, most of the girls receive little formal education.

Ministry Obstacles
Islam is a religion that is typically hostile to Christianity. As such, there may be very few ways to share the gospel, unless the focus is on Jesus, "Isa al-Masih" in Islam.

Scripture Focus
"And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak."  Mark 7:37

Scripture Prayer
Pray that this people group comes to understand that the wisdom, power and goodness of God are found only in Jesus Christ.

Prayer Focus
Pray that access to education would grow for girls and women. Pray that the Bahna would hear the gospel in impactful ways and have ears to hear God speak to them. Pray that discipleship movements would be started in Bahna communities and grow mightily.

Presented by Joshua Project