Yerwa Kanuri in Cameroon
YUR-wa kuh-NOO-ree

Kanuri people are tall, with a stately, dignified appearance. This signifies their pride and appreciation for their past as rulers, as well as their present position of leadership and influence. Most Kanuri people are farmers; however, they usually practice some other occupations. Some are craftsmen and merchants during the dry season.

Ministry Obstacles
Kanuri villages contain a local school and mosque. Attached to the mosque are smaller schools for religious teachings. From an early age, Kanuri children are taught Islamic doctrines that leave no room for a victorious resurrected Savior.

Scripture Focus
"For I am ready to fall, and my pain is ever before me. I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin."  Psalm 38:17-18

Scripture Prayer
Pray that this people group finds peace and salvation when they confess their sins to the Lord.

Prayer Focus
Pray that Kanuri people in Cameroon would discover the Living Lord through all available sources from radio, internet and personal contacts with Christ followers. Pray that a discipleship movement would develop among these people for whom Lord Jesus laid down his life.

Presented by Joshua Project