Chenoua Berber in Algeria

What would you teach your children to speak if your own people group was small, and there were three other small languages in the local vicinity? You would use the trade language, right? This is what most Chenoua speaking parents do. They live in rural parts of Algeria, and they believe the Algerian government does not help them enough with their infrastructure needs.

Ministry Obstacles
Their desert home makes access difficult. Muslim extremism and terrorist groups are present in some areas. Foreigners often experience difficulty obtaining visas since the government wants to restrict outside influences.

Outreach Ideas
There is a radio outreach in their language and a small number of believers who can reach the Muslim majority. Women with the right skills can reach Chenoua women and help them with their medical and educational needs. Currently there is a Berber rug decor trend. Disciple makers could connect with local rug producers and purchase their goods for the world market.

Scripture Focus
"Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud settled on it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle."  Exodus 40:34-35

Scripture Prayer
Pray for many from this people group to experience the glory of the Lord and allow Him to transform them forever.

Prayer Focus
Pray for laborers who are committed people, willing to lay down their lives for the sake of the gospel. Pray for every hindrance of the gospel's touching the Chenoua people's lives to be removed. Pray for a spiritual hunger among the Chenoua people that will lead them to the foot of the cross.

Presented by Joshua Project