Baghban (Muslim traditions) in Pakistan

When those from the Indian subcontinent hear the word "Baghban," most think of the hit Bollywood film with that title. But when a farmer from the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan hears that word, he thinks of himself, his family and his community. The Muslim Baghban people are spread far and wide, and as a result, they might speak any of eight languages. You can find them in both the rural and urban parts of India and Pakistan. The Baghban people are a community of gardeners, and "Baghban" is the literal definition of their trade: gardening. Others engage in wholesale and retail sales of fruits. In Pakistan, they have an educational trust, and there is also Baghban Muslim Welfare Association that advocates for their needs.

Ministry Obstacles
All Baghban are Muslims, as Islam has been deeply ingrained in their culture and identity. There may be no followers of Christ among them.

Scripture Focus
"But he answered, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."  Matthew 4:4

Scripture Prayer
Pray that today’s people group to learn and understand that the Bible comes from the mouth and mind of the one, true God.

Prayer Focus
Pray that God will open Baghban hearts to the gospel and will raise up His ambassadors to tell them of Jesus. Pray that God will reveal Himself in dreams and visions and send believers who can explain those dreams and visions to them. Pray for a Disciple Making Movement among the Baghban people in Pakistan and India in this decade.

Presented by Joshua Project