Kuka in Chad

The Kuka, Bilala and Medogo speak similar languages, intermarry, share the same religion and have similar traditions. All three tribes are primarily farmers whose villages consist of several fenced-in, rectangular compounds. Women usually have their own plots of land near their homes. They live in compact villages, each of which is run by a local chief or headman. The chief and the village elders are in charge of settling disputes between the villagers. The Kuka are virtually all Muslim. They have been strongly influenced by nearby Muslim Arab merchants, with whom they trade on a regular basis. Although some of their pre-Islamic practices are still observed, Muslim laws and traditions are strongly followed in conjunction with those practices. There are very few reported Christians at the present time. The gospel needs to come to these tribes in oral form, since they are an oral society and because scripture is not available in their language.

Ministry Obstacles
No Scripture is reported as available in the Naba language, but gospel recordings are available.

Scripture Focus
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  Genesis 1:1

Scripture Prayer
Pray that this people group will be in awe of the Lord for His creation and realize that He is the only one worthy of worship and devotion.

Prayer Focus
Pray this people group in Chad would be given an increasing interest in Jesus (whom Muslims call Isa al-Masih). Pray for Jesus to appear to some in dreams or visions. Pray for Christian workers to follow up such visitations.

Presented by Joshua Project